With the upcoming election just around the corner here are a few things to think about:
- Have you registered to vote? NO, well if you are a military member you can register right here www.fvap.gov and you can quickly be set up.
- When is Election Day? November 3rd, however, your STATE may offer early voting so check with your state to see what is allowed.
- Have you check your voter registration? This is a big one! All Americans should check their voter registration status as soon as possible and update it if needed. You should check your registration even if you have lived at your address for a long time, voted in the last election, or registered earlier this year.
- Updates may be needed for different reasons. Voter registration lists are always changing. While there are processes in every state to protect against inaccurate changes or removals, eligible voters are sometimes removed without their knowledge or permission.
- Be sure you’re ready to vote. Voters can fix problems with their voter registration status if they do it before their state’s voter registration deadline. These state deadlines can be up to a month before Election Day.
- Start as soon as possible. The voting-by-mail process can require multiple steps, and it can take longer than five business days for US mail to reach its destination. Don’t wait until close to Election Day to start the process.In many states, you must request and return a mail ballot request form before the ballot can be mailed to you by a local election official. The ballot request form and distribution processes are done manually in many small and medium-sized counties.Local election administrators are concerned about handling an expected high volume of mail ballot requests this year. Starting the process as early as possible increases the chance you will have a successful voting-by-mail experience.
- Turn in your ballot early. Make sure you understand when mail ballots must be postmarked and/or received by an election official in your state to be valid for counting. Then make sure there is enough time to request, receive, and return the mail ballot, whether you do it by mail or at a drop-off location.
- Staying Safe. Voters have options to cast their ballots in ways that keep them safe and comfortable.
- Voting by mail. If voting by mail is an option in your state, it may be the best way to keep you and your loved ones safe. Many of the states that require an excuse for voting by mail have expanded the list of acceptable reasons to include concerns about COVID-19.
- Voting early. Voting by mail is safe and secure, but election administrators are working hard to expand the availability and safety of in-person voting as well.If you plan to vote in person and you have the option of voting early, you’re likely to experience fewer people and shorter lines. You’ll also help reduce the risk of overwhelming the system on Election Day.
- Staying healthy. Congress put hundreds of millions of dollars toward voting during the pandemic. Much of this funding is being used for cleaning supplies and personal protective equipment (PPE) for voting sites and poll workers.You can do your part as well. If you plan to vote in person, wear a mask, consider bringing hand sanitizer, and practice social distancing by standing six feet apart from your fellow voters. Read more recommendations for voters at cdc.gov.Working together, we can help keep each other safe while voting in the election.
Election results may take longer than usual.
Impact of COVID-19
Americans are voting by mail in record numbers this year due to COVID-19. In 2016, roughly 23.6% of ballots were cast through the mail. In 2020, it’s possible that the rate of mail voting could reach 50-70%.
Counting the Vote Takes Time
Counting mail ballots takes additional time and resources. This may result in a gap between Election Day and the determination of a winner. This gap reflects a vote-counting process that is both thorough and secure.
Patience is Key
Election officials will get the vote count right, and slower results reporting does not mean wrong or fraudulent results. All Americans need to give election officials the time to do their jobs right.