The Army is expanding its ability to train foreign security forces with a new type of unit: Security Force Assistance Brigades (SFABs)—one of which will be in the Army National Guard.
Meet the Security Force Assistance Brigade. With battalions and headquarters located in six states—Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Texas—the National Guard is looking for current Guard Soldiers who will meet the challenge of the SFAB mission.

Receive Special Training
SFABs are highly demanding units, designed to train, advise, assist, accompany and enable both allied and indigenous security force partners. SFAB Soldiers are combat advisors, not nation builders.
Those selected for assignment to an SFAB will receive special training, including language and cultural training, as well as special weapons training at the Army’s Special Warfare Center at Fort Bragg, NC. Ultimately, Soldiers assigned to an SFAB will deploy on missions worldwide.
Teach the Profession of Arms
SFABs need Guard Soldiers who are experts at what they do, capable of serving far from home while performing difficult missions. A wide range of military occupational specialties (MOSs) is available in an SFAB, including combat arms and support roles—as well as commissioned and warrant officer positions.
Soldiers assigned to an SFAB will be:
- Experts in the profession of arms
- Persistently agile and flexible
- Standard bearers in their profession
- Professional leaders
- Complex problem solvers
- Understanding of the human element in others
- Common sense thinkers
Meet the Requirements
Soldiers volunteering for the SFAB must:
- Be in an MOS authorized by the SFAB MTOE
- Be fully deployable
- Have a PULHES no higher than 111221
- Score 240 on the APFT, with a minimum of 70 points in each event
- Have a secret clearance
- Pass an Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) check for derogatory information
Volunteers may apply for advisor or non-advisor positions. For advisor positions, volunteers (post-KD) are interviewed and selected by the SFA commander or command sergeant major. For non-advisor positions, volunteers attend a two-day assessment and selection process that will consist of APFT, pull-ups, height/weight screening, obstacle course, leadership reaction course, warrior skills test, MOS proficiency test, ethical dilemma essay, peer evaluations, 5-mile ruck with 50 pounds and selection board.
If you think you have what it takes to be a member of one of these special units please speak with your readiness NCO. If you know which state unit you would like to consider, please email your interstate transfer (IST) coordinator and the following SFAB recruiters:
HQ (Indiana):
(Primary) 1LT Justin Wright
Phone: 317-640-9979
(Alternate) SFC William Williams
Phone: 317-868-4854
1-54 (Georgia):
(Primary) MAJ Kraig Keller
Phone: 678-983-1121
2-54 (Florida):
(Primary) SSG Brian Shleifer
Phone: 503-278-1610
(Alternate) SGT Jacob Currie
Phone: 386-216-9226
3-54 (Florida):
(Primary) MSG Richard Rafford
4-54 (Texas):
(Primary) SFC Carlos Almanza
Phone: 915-238-1210
(Alternate) CPT John Dye
Phone: 254-290-9474
5-54 (Ohio):
(Primary) CPT Timothy Cope
Phone: 419-481-6315
(Alternate) SFC Samantha Montoney
Phone: 614-440-5237
6-54 (Illinois):
(Primary) SFC William Friedrich
Phone: 309-567-6912
(Alternate) SFC Jennifer Dorsey
Phone: 309-567-6903