Are you stressed out about debt?
Are you currently serving on active duty or serving on active duty orders?
Did you know that you could be saving money by participating in the….

What is this?
The Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act of 2003 (SCRA), formerly known as the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act of 1940 (SSCRA), is a federal law that gives all military members some important rights as they enter active duty. It covers such issues as rental agreements, security deposits, prepaid rent, eviction, installment contracts, credit card interest rates, automobile leases, mortgage interest rates, mortgage foreclosure, civil judicial proceedings, and income tax payments. It also provides many important protections to military members while on active duty.
Who is eligible?
Active duty Soldiers – are eligible starting on the date active duty orders are received and, in limited situations, a Soldier’s dependents may also be eligible.
Army National Guard: Active Duty Under Title 10 USC or Title 32 USC (Full-Time National Guard Duty) – National Guard Servicemembers serving on federal active duty (Title 10 for 30 days or more under section 502) are eligible starting on the date active duty orders are received, and, in limited situations, a Servicemember’s dependents may also be eligible.
Army National Guard: State Active Duty – National Guard Servicemembers on state active duty are eligible if they are serving under TITLE 32 under a call to active service by the President or the Secretary of Defense for more than 30 days.
How long are Service Members protected?
Protection generally terminates one year after the date of discharge of active duty. Soldiers who are absent from duty as a result of being wounded or being granted leave are also granted protection under the act.
- The Six Percent Rule
- Delay of Court and Administrative Proceedings
- Termination of Leases
- Automobile Leases
- Telephone Service Contracts
- Eviction for Nonpayment of Rent
- Default Judgment Protection
- Life Insurance Protection
- Enforcement of Storage Liens
- State Taxation Clarification
- Health Insurance Reinstatement
- Foreclosures
- Seizure of Property
Don’t wait, act now and see if you are eligible for this protection.
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