-A systematic code used by the U.S. Army to identify Soldiers not-eligible to reenlist. This code is often referred as IMREPR.
Correct and accurate IMREPR codes not only affect retention, they also affect reclassification, reassignments, promotions, awards and decorations, attendance at civil or military schooling, retirement and family member travel to overseas commands.

**Soldiers who have an IMREPR code of 8G imposed remain ineligible to reenlist until ETS date is returned to contractual ETS date and 8G is removed.
Code | Discription
10/Blank | No Disqualification (Eligible for immediate reenlistment)
11 | Subject to involuntary separation
12 | Approved retirement under Temporary Early Retirement Authority (TERA)
13 | Identified for Qualitative Management Program (QMP) consideration
8G** | Grade – Due to reduction/removal from promotion standing list
8K | HQDA Directed Bar to Continued Service / Failure to comlete required SSD Training
9A | Lost Time (IAW AR 630-10)
9B | Adverse Action Flag (Flag Codes A, H, L, M, U, V, and X)
9C | Denied retention by Sec Army – Commander Quality (HRC Use only)
9D | Pending security clearance determination
9E | Physical Readiness
9F | Denied Retention by SA – Force Shaping/Requirements
9G | Grade (Within 16 months of ETS, not able to reenlist for 2 years due to RCP)
9H | Pending MEB/PEB
9I | DA Promotions Flag
9J | Involuntary Separation under QSP
9K | Field Bar to Continued Service
9L | Involuntary Separation under QMP
9M | Approved Retirement under QMP
9N | Courts-Martial Conviction; Convicted by one or more Summary, Special, or General Courts Martial (unless previously waived or Soldier was promoted after conviction IAW DA PAM 611-21)
9O | Age; Restricted from retention due to max age limitations
9P | Loss of qualification in PMOS
9Q | Declination of Continued Service Statement – Refusal to take action to meet length of Service Requirement
9R | Pending MOS Administrative Retention Review (MAR2)
9S | Conscientious Objector (Does not apply to CMF 68)
9T | Approved Involuntary Separation
9U | Approved Retirement under QSP
9V | Pending Separation
9W | Not eligible due to SSG NCOER/NCOES eligibility requirements
9X | Other; prohibitions not otherwise identified
9Y | Retirement; application for retirement has been approved
9Z | Weight; does not meet acceptable weight standards