Reenlistment Options are only available, if otherwise qualified, to those Soldiers at the rank of private first class or above, who are considered in the reenlistment opportunity window (ROW).
Reenlistment options are governed by AR 601-280 (Army Retention Program) and the current DA PAM 601-280.
Option 1, Regular Army Reenlistment Option
Option 1 carries no guarantee of assignment, training, or stabilization. Soldiers will be assigned and utilized according to the needs of the Army. Soldiers, except those reenlisting to meet service remaining requirements, may be assigned to their present duty assignment or to any vacancy for which qualified. (Reenlistment Obligation 2-6 year period)
Option 2, Current Station Stabilization Reenlistment Option
Option 2 guarantees a 1 to 18-month period of stabilization as prescribed by Appendix E, Table E-2, Line 5 (Reenlistment Obligation 2-6 year period).
Option 3, Army Training Reenlistment Option
Option 3 guarantees, for qualified Soldiers, attendance at an available service school of choice for PMOS, skill qualification identifier, additional skill identifier or language training -OR- airborne training for Soldiers possessing a PMOS listed in applicable RETAIN message for award of skill qualification identifier “P. (Reenlistment Obligation 3-6 year period).
Option 4, Overseas Assignment Reenlistment Option
Option 4 guarantees a 12- or 24-month assignment to one of the following overseas areas of choice:
(1) Korea.
(2) Pacific area, long tour.
(3) Pacific area, short tour.
(4) Alaska.
(5) Japan.
(6) Caribbean area.
(7) Europe.
(8) Germany.
(9) Italy.
(10) Hawaii.
(11) Africa.
(12) Southwest Asia.
(Reenlistment Obligation 3-6 year period).
Option 5, CONUS Station of Choice Reenlistment Option
Option 5 guarantees assignment for at least 24 months at the CONUS station-of-choice for Soldiers reenlisting for 3, 4, 5, or 6 year periods, if otherwise qualified and authorized. This option is available to both CONUS and OCONUS based Soldiers.