From SMA Michael Weimer:
“Effective Immediately (May 15): To meet the CSA’s intent of eliminating training which is redundant, antiquated, or doesn’t support warfighting and lethality, the U.S. Army has determined it will eliminate approximately 346 hours of Distributed Learning Courses for Officers and NCOs.
An analysis determined these courses were redundant and/or antiquated when assessed against current training requirements and needs.
Enlisted courses being eliminated are Distributed Learning Courses (DLC) I–VI (formerly known as Structured Self Development (SSD) I–VI), they account for 253 hours or 31 days.
Officer courses being eliminated are the Distance Learning Prerequisite for Commanders Career Course and the Distance Learning Prerequisite for Commanding General Staff Officers Course (P920), these account for 93 hours or 12 days.
164 hours of prerequisite Distance Learning Courses remain and are currently under analysis for potential elimination in the future.
An ALARACT message will publish later today detailing full information on this change.
This We’ll Defend!”